Day 1
From the smallest orchid in the world to one of the 3 endemic pine tree species in Colombia, is what Pnaqueba has to offer you, on Franco’s natural reserve, where you are going to do the “Cacique de la Montaña” hike experience, which will also be the acclimatization hike at 3,300 m.a.s.l. There you will be able to see the 21 peaks of the Sierra Nevada, besides +40 orchid species and an endless number of birds that will make this a unique experience connecting with Nature.
Accommodation: “El Cacique de la Montaña” hotel
Difficulty: Medium
Duration: 4h
Day 2
Hike to the Púlpito del Diablo (Devil’s Pulpit) and the snow-capped peak Pan de Azúcar (Sugar Loaf). You will ascend from 3,900 m.a.s.l up to 5,000 m.a.s.l. This trail goes through the Plazuela, the Campanilla waterfalls, and the Alto del Conejo. You will be able to appreciate the Frailejones valley, the Campanillas snow-capped peaks, Cóncavos, San Pablines, and the Ritacuwas. The journey reaches the edges of the Púlpito del and Pan de Azúcar.
Accommodation: Hacienda la Esperanza hotel
Difficulty: Extreme
Duration: 9 hrs
Day 3
A 22km hike to the Laguna Grande de La Sierra. You will ascend from 3,700 m.a.s.l. up to 4,600 m.a.s.l. You will be able to walk around the Frailejones valley, spot the Cueva del Hombre, the Laguna Grande de la Sierra, the snow-capped peaks Cóncavo, Concavito, Portales, Toti, Pan de Azúcar, and the Pulpito; Then the journey continues until reaching the Cóncavo’s glacier edge.
Accommodation: Güicán rural hotel.
Difficulty: Extreme
Duration: 10 hrs
Life is an adventure,
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